Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

There Are Electrons In The Filament Of The Ac Lamp In Your Bedroom

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There Are Electrons In The Filament Of The Ac Lamp In Your Bedroom(49).jpg
There Are Electrons In The Filament Of The Ac Lamp In Your Bedroom
Image source : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjjXcV074waJwJeQQtt8nBnecSaKIVzBlc5aVyg3gb-cz4l7scaLt8RbTaz7Vvl3JZ1wtwSpLmd55WsD-xzTt3MqNDL1krRNMP1KI842tcH5bGtzd8DSDu06Bzjz2oyHa_ktDmXB3b3DIM/s1600/DSC00522.jpg
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